The UEFA MIP is the ultimate academic programme in sports management for former international professional footballers. The programme has been constructed on the building blocks of experience and successful longterm cooperation and brings together the best teaching staff and speakers. The UEFA MIP is co-delivered by the UEFA Academy and the Centre for Sports Law and Economics (CDES) at the University of Limoges in France, in collaboration with the Birkbeck Sport Business Centre at the University of London.
Successful participants are awarded an executive master’s degree by the University of Limoges, France.

Founded in 1978, CDES operates with an interdisciplinary logic, combining the academic disciplines of law and economics as they apply to the sports industries. While remaining faithful to its roots and academic calling, CDES has developed many commercial research and consultancy activities (studies and audits in the fields of sports law, economics and management) as well as training courses and conferences, master’s degrees (law, economics and management of sport; professional sports club management; stadium management; executive master for former international players) and publications (Jurisport, a sports law and economics review).

Building on the professional excellence of UEFA throughout its history and the learning initiatives created within UEFA over the last decade, UEFA Academy seeks to inspire the education of individuals and organisations in order to continuously elevate the sport of football.
UEFA Academy anticipates and addresses learning needs in the European football sector and offers expertise in the education of football executives to support individuals and organisations in their development plans. Working in close cooperation with leading professional and academic experts, UEFA Academy is committed to constantly improving and adapting its activities and programmes through innovation in its learning formats, methodologies and content.

Founded in 1823 as a college of the University of London, Birkbeck is a world-class research and teaching institution, a vibrant centre of academic excellence and London’s only specialist provider of evening higher education. The Sport Business Centre brings together experts in sport management to deliver high quality research, teaching and consultancy to organisations involved in the business of sport. It offers a portfolio of postgraduate sport management programmes based around its flagship MSc Sport Management & the Business of Football. Historically, the Sport Business Centre has had particular research strength in the area of the corporate governance of the sport industry, with a particular focus on the football sector.

The International Federation of Professional Footballers’ Associations (FIFPro) is the worldwide representative organisation for all professional players; more than 60,000 footballers in total. Founded on 15 December 1965, FIFPro currently has 64 national players’ associations as its members. Its mission ‘FIFPro supports players’ and mission statement ‘FIFPro is the exclusive collective voice of the world’s professional footballers’ are key principles. These are the two foundations that underpin FIFPro’s activities.

The European Club Association (ECA) is the sole independent body directly representing football clubs at European level. Created in 2008, the ECA safeguards and promotes the interests of football clubs on European club football matters, and serves as an adviser to its 230+ member clubs on both the sporting and the business aspects of football. The ECA strives to maintain high-level involvement in the decision-making process of football governing bodies, and provide a platform for knowledge sharing, information and services to its members.