10 Mai
For the very first time the UEFA MIP’s US session was moved from New-York to Miami. Managed by Christophe Lepetit, head of economic studies and UEFA MIP director, and Francesc Solanellas, professor of sport management at INEF Catalunya, this session took place from 2 to 6 May 2022. The group was hosted at some of the most prestigious sporting venues of the city, such as the University of Miami, CONCACAF headquarters, Miami Marlins Stadium, Inter Miami Stadium and Eagle FC Arena.
During these five days, the group had the opportunity to listen to many speakers and experts from the above mentioned sports organisations as well as from the MLS, the NBA Players Association and Relevent. Various topics making the US sporting model so specific were discussed and analysed, such as the Rooney rule, Title IX, salary cap, draft, luxury tax, collective negotiation, etc. These presentations allowed the participants to increase their knowledge about regulation and debate about what could or couldn’t be implemented in European football.
Special thanks to the CONCACAF team, especially to Jason Roberts (UEFA MIP I), Jonathan Martines (MESGO V) and Christhian Tonelli, who have been a wonderful support in the organisation of this session.
After many postponed sessions in 2020 because of Covid19, the UEFA MIP III will meet for their final session in England in September and then celebrate their graduation at UEFA in Switzerland on 4 November 2022.